

Our school has only success stories to tell in curricular area. Since our first batch the school has always scored 100% succcess. 

The students are divided in to four houses with a House master for each house. Inter-house competitions are held in various co-curricular activities. Special coaching is conducted by skilled instructors in Music, Dance, Karate Kung-Fu, Yoga, Drawing & Painting and Abacus.

A few from our students achievements

  • Championships in Ball & Shuttle Badminton in various tournaments (District & State level).
  • A Grade in Extempore, Daffmuttu and various other items in CBSE Sahodaya Youth Festival (District Level) since 2011
  • Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man “ Swami Vivekananda.

  • Education is the natural, progressive and harmonious development of all the faculties of the individual, head, heart and hand. Simple to complex, known to unknown, concrete to abstract “ Pestalozzi.

  • Education is the creation of a natural man, free from the artificialities of human society ¦. Natural development of humanity “ Roussea.
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